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Döhler Wehe

Nature Reserve

Germany - Niedersachsen

Area: 0.70km²

The nature reserve is characterized by old, near-natural mixed oak and beech forests. Around 60 % of the forest is located on historically old forest sites. The “Sieke” runs through the area as a near-natural stream. There are tree hedges along the edges of the protected area. The main purpose of the conservation area is to improve the representation of hornbeam forests as well as chickweed-oak-hornbeam forests. In the long term, non-native forest stands should develop into naturally occurring near-natural forest communities with a high proportion of old wood and deadwood. In addition, the protection serves to preserve the forest for peaceful recreation.

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- - camping no
- - openfire no
- - motor_vehicle no
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dtp_id 3adac0ba-e4cd-48ff-a98e-e40a10a64005