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Bassumer Friedeholz

Nature Reserve

Germany - Niedersachsen

Area: 0.56km²

The Bassumer Friedeholz is a very young nature reserve - it was placed under protection in June 2017. The nature reserve is mainly characterized by oaks in combination with hornbeams. An area on the western edge has been afforested as coniferous forest. European beech dominates in a few smaller areas. Around two thirds of the forest areas are historically old forest sites, some of which are designated as natural forest. Tree hedges run along the edge of the protected area and in the area itself. In future, around a quarter of the forest in the north-west is to be excluded from forestry use as natural forest. In the medium term, the coniferous part of the forest will be converted into a site-appropriate deciduous forest. The overall aim is to increase the naturalness and ecological value of the forest.

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- - openfire no
- - horse no
- - camping no
- - motor_vehicle no
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dtp_id 68cd78cd-5f2f-4271-a4e9-903f758fcafb