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Ahlhorner Fischteiche

Nature Reserve

Germany - Niedersachsen

Area: 4.86km²

The Ahlhorn fish ponds are a special piece of landscape owned by the Niedersächsische Landesforsten. It contains biotopes of state-wide importance for the protection of species and ecosystems as well as the protection of geological landscapes. The lake landscape also has a special visual appeal for people. The lakes were created artificially around 100 years ago. Most of the lakes and ponds are farmed, as is the surrounding forest. Nonetheless, the state forestry department goes to great lengths to create attractive opportunities for visitors to experience nature. Accordingly, the Ahlhorn fish ponds include the “Blockhaus Ahlhorn” and the Forest Education Center, which offer overnight accommodation for school and adult groups to spend time in the nature reserve.

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- - camping no
- - fishing no
- - openfire no
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dtp_id 6cddd6b8-e989-48c6-be2f-57b38aa20ffa