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Nationalpark Harz

National Park

Germany - Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt

Area: 247.57km²

The Harz National Park is a legally protected area of international importance. As usual in national parks around the world, also here nature is allowed to develop largely free of human influence. Our motto is: “Let nature be nature”, a privilege that applies to less than 1% of the German territory. Beech and spruce forests, sub-alpine dwarf shrub heaths, bogs and rock biotopes offer retreats for over 10,000 animal and plant species including rare or even threatened ones. The lynx also feels at home again in this legendary mountain wilderness. Also you can help protect these special habitats by following the rules of the park.

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Proposed Update Tags
Existing key Existing value New key New value
- - smoking:conditional no @ (Feb 15-Oct 31)
- - camping no
- - openfire no
Proposed Additional Tags
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dtp_id c43c1e35-26d5-4505-915c-ad3c18df00c9