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Nature Reserve

Germany - Niedersachsen

Area: 0.60km²

The purpose of the 60-hectare conservation area is to preserve and develop the Brammer Moor and the surrounding moor mudflats as valuable small moors with typical species and biocoenoses of raised bogs and transitional moors. A near-naturally managed forest that emerged from heath was also included. The nature reserve is the north-western part of the Brammer forest on the edge of Harpstedt. The forest is characterized by intensive forestry management and several beautiful lakes owned by the Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesische Wasserverband, which are protected from people by fences.

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- - horse no
- - camping no
- - openfire no
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dtp_id eb8e580b-6568-439c-93a2-c7568f193bbd