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Nordenholzer Moor

Nature Reserve

Germany - Niedersachsen

Area: 0.77km²

The 78-hectare conservation area protects a section of a typical geest edge moor as a remnant of the Bockholzberg moor. The area is roughly divided into three sections: In the south-west is a large lake created by sand extraction, which is closed to the public so that nature can develop undisturbed. In the east there is wet grassland and in the north-west there is a swamp forest. On the southern edge of the nature reserve, the moorland trail is ideal for a pleasant cycle tour. In the middle, from west to east along the ditch, there is an attractive opportunity for a walk. The nature reserve is easily accessible due to its close proximity to the town center of Hude.

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- - camping no
- - openfire no
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dtp_id f088ad96-beb6-4e1b-8fd1-a407e67cec0a