The 270-hectare conservation area preserves a remnant of the Vehnemoor that has remained uncultivated. Today, the area is largely overgrown with bushes or woodland, but there is still flora and fauna typical of bogs in peat bogs and wet heath areas. The area was peat-drained from 1930 until the 1960s. However, the southern area was not subsequently cultivated as usual and a birch swamp forest developed there. It is possible to view the entire length of the nature reserve via the Dortmunder Weg in the east of the area. There is no direct access.
According to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, a nature reserve is a legally designated area in which special protection of nature and landscape is required for the conservation or restoration of ecosystems, for scientific reasons or because of their rarity, uniqueness or beauty. Actions that could lead to changes or even damage to the nature reserve are prohibited.