Nationalpark Donau-Auen Wien

National Park

The Donau-Auen National Park preserves the last large floodplain landscape in Central Europe on an area of more than 9,600 hectares. It extends across the federal states of Vienna and Lower Austria. For the Viennese residents, the Lobau area in particular is a traditional recreational area close to the city. When it was established in 1996, this natural jewel was placed under long-term international protection. Since then, fauna and flora have been able to develop here free from economic constraints. The Donau-Auen National Park can be visited for walking, hiking and cycling and there is no entrance fee. However, the applicable legal regulations must be respected, including the requirement to use paths. The marked hiking trails and designated cycle routes are not permitted to be left. The first place to go for visitors to the Vienna part of the national park is the wien-lobAU national park house in the 22nd district. It is an information point, excursion destination and event venue all under one roof. Guided tours with a ranger can also be booked.


Entry behavior


Entering off the beaten path is forbidden

Cycling activities


Cycling is only allowed on

Designated paths/places

ATTENTION: Cycling is not permitted in the national park between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise (Management plan 2019 - 2028, p.61).

Snow activities


Cross-country skiing is forbidden

Horse riding activities


Horse riding is forbidden

Motorized activities


Motor vehicle is forbidden

Excluding authorised persons.

Water activities


Watercrafts motorized is forbidden

Motorized boats are generally not permitted on the side arms. On those banks of the Danube where visitors are permitted to enter from the water and via land (see Waterway Traffic Regulations), landing for motorized boats is also permitted (Management Plan 2019 - 2028, p.62-63).


Diving is forbidden


Watercrafts (without motor) is forbidden

Designated side arms may be navigated with non-motorized boats, but the banks may not be entered. Landing and entering the banks is permitted on certain sections of the Danube bank, see Waterway Traffic Regulations. In addition, the national park administration can temporarily close side arms in the event of nature conservation measures and/or flood or low water events (Management Plan 2019- 2028, p. 63).


Water sports with swimming aids is forbidden

Mountain activities


Climbing is forbidden

Stay activities


Camping is forbidden

Air activities


Air sport (starting and landing) is forbidden

General behavior


Dogs with leash is allowed


Noise (tape recorders, players) is forbidden

It is forbidden to create noise that is detrimental to the natural environment.


Fire is forbidden


Disposing of waste is forbidden


Collecting plants is forbidden

The removal of natural materials (picking flowers, mushrooms, berries, nuts, river pebbles, etc.) for personal use does not constitute interference within the meaning of the national park laws. Use for commercial purposes is not permitted. Strictly protected plants may not be collected (Management Plan 2019-2028, p. 64).


Mushroom collecting is forbidden

The removal of natural materials (picking flowers, mushrooms, berries, nuts, river pebbles, etc.) for personal use does not constitute interference within the meaning of the national park laws. Use for commercial purposes is not permitted. Strictly protected plants may not be collected (Management Plan 2019-2028, p. 64).


Collecting minerals/fossils is forbidden

The removal of natural materials (picking flowers, mushrooms, berries, nuts, river pebbles, etc.) for personal use does not constitute interference within the meaning of the national park laws. Use for commercial purposes is not permitted. Strictly protected plants may not be collected (Management Plan 2019-2028, p. 64).


Cutting or injuring trees is forbidden


Feeding animals is forbidden


Swimming is forbidden

On those bank areas of the Danube and at the natural bathing areas shown on the maps, where visitors are permitted to enter from the water and via the land (see Waterways Traffic Regulations), bathing is also permitted as a common use of a public body of water in accordance with $ 8 (Water Rights Act) in accordance with the natural conditions available to everyone at their own risk (Management Plan 2019 - 2028, p.62).


Fishing is forbidden

Exception from the prohibition by acquiring a fishing license from the authorities responsible for fishing in waters designated for fishing, see explanations in the Management Plan 2019 -2028 p. 64 fl.


Photographing/filming is forbidden

Prohibition of commercial use and/or the construction of shelters, hiding places for camouflage, etc.