Nationalpark Harz

National Park

The Harz National Park is a legally protected area of international importance. As usual in national parks around the world, also here nature is allowed to develop largely free of human influence. Our motto is: “Let nature be nature”, a privilege that applies to less than 1% of the German territory. Beech and spruce forests, sub-alpine dwarf shrub heaths, bogs and rock biotopes offer retreats for over 10,000 animal and plant species including rare or even threatened ones. The lynx also feels at home again in this legendary mountain wilderness. Also you can help protect these special habitats by following the rules of the park.

Forest in transition to wilderness in Harz National Park The look of the forests in the Harz Mountains has changed considerably in recent years. The grey silhouettes of dead spruce trees in the National Park tower into the sky or lie scattered across each other on the ground and by the roadsides. At first sight this seems strange to many people. But even though many dead trees are visible, this forest is as vibrant and dynamic as it has not been for a long time. Initiated by storms and a small insect benefitting from climate change – the European spruce bark beetle – a new wilderness is developing here: more species-rich, more versatile, and more robust. True to the National Park motto “Let nature be nature”, the flora and fauna in large parts of the National Park can develop freely, and we have a unique opportunity to observe it on its way from a former commercial forest to a wild natural forest.


Entry behavior


Entering off the beaten path is forbidden


Entering the area is only allowed on

Designated paths/places

Snow activities


Winter sport is only allowed on

Designated paths/places

Mountain activities


Climbing is only allowed on

Designated paths/places

Stay activities


Camping/Bivouac is forbidden


Camping is forbidden

Air activities


Drones/model planes is forbidden

General behavior


Noise (tape recorders, players) is forbidden


Dogs with leash is allowed


Fire is forbidden

Im gesamten Nationalpark-Gebiet und dementsprechend auch auf der Brockenkuppe gilt zudem ganzjährig ein Verbot, Feuerwerkskörper zu zünden.


Disposing of waste is forbidden


Collecting plants is forbidden


Mushroom collecting is only allowed on

Designated paths/places from 01. July until 15. October


Smoking is forbidden

from 15. February until 31. October

Die Regelung gilt für das Rauchen im niedersächsischen Teil des Nationalparks. Rauch-Verbot in Sachsen-Anhalt ab Waldbrandstufe 2


Swimming is only allowed on

Designated paths/places