Trudner Horn

Nature Park

The Monte Corno Nature Park lies on a ridge of porphyry and dolomite in the Bassa Atesina, on the orographic left side of the Adige. In the north, the protected area is delimited by the foothills of the Fiemme Valley, in the southeast by the Cembra Valley and in the west by the Adige Valley (from Egna to the Chiusa di Salorno). The species diversity of both fauna and flora in the park is unique compared with other South Tyrolean nature parks by virtue of the fact that the park’s sub-Mediterranean climatic zone is far milder than the harsher climate that prevails in the northeast. The nature park was founded in 1980, and covers an area of almost 6.873 ha, which is spread across the municipalities of Anterivo, Montagna, Egna, Salorno and Trodena. The Nature Park is part of the European-wide Natura 2000 sites.

Trudner Horn / Monte Corno Nature Park - Visible and invisible time. The Monte Corno Nature Park is located in the in the Bassa Atesina, on the orographic left side of the Adige, about halfway between Bolzano and Trento. Forest communities of great diversity cover about 90 percent of this “forest park” as the nature park is often called. This nature park can’t show off with steep rock towers and rugged peaks, but it houses the most species-rich flora and fauna of all South Tyrolean nature parks. This comes from the contrasts between the north-east with its rougher climate and the south-west region, that is located in the sub-Mediterranean climate zone. Winter here begins later and ends earlier than in most areas of South Tyrol, which is why something blooms and grows almost all year round. The high ridge of porphyry and dolomite stretches from the edge of the plain Adige valley (220 m) up to the subalpine zone around the Monte Corno (1781 m). Scenic highlights of the conservation site are the flower-rich larch meadows and alpine pastures on the wooded ridge, and natural history gems are the numerous moors and wetlands. The nature park was founded in 1980, and covers an area of almost 6.873 ha, which is spread across the municipalities of Anterivo, Montagna, Egna, Salorno and Trodena. In the north, the protected area is delimited by the foothills of the Fiemme Valley, in the southeast by the Cembra Valley and in the west by the Adige Valley (from Egna to the Chiusa di Salorno).. The park is part of the European-wide Natura 2000 sites, which aim to promote habitat, flora and fauna conservation and were established under the EU’s FFH Directive (92/43/EC) and Bird’s Directive (2009/147/EC).


Stay activities


Camping is forbidden

Air activities


Drones/model planes is forbidden

General behavior


Fire is forbidden


Collecting plants is forbidden


Mushroom collecting is forbidden


Collecting minerals/fossils is forbidden

siehe Art. 14 Unterschutzsstellungsdekret vom 31.10.1977; siehe Art. 23 Landesgesetz vom 12.05.2010, Nr. 6.