WSG Schaab, Liezen

Forest and Wildlife Protection Zone

Wildschutzgebiet WSG Schaab, Liezen im Jagdbezirk Liezen Nr. 12, Hegegebiet Donnersbachwald Nr. 12508. Bescheid: 8.0-D 51-87 (1989). Schutzgut: Rotwild.

An essential contribution to a functioning coexistence of wildlife and tourism is the designation of wildlife protection areas. The wintering areas of numerous animal species are often located in attractive ski touring areas. The increasing number of ski mountaineers often leads to disturbance of animals, which can have serious consequences (browsing, displacement, death of wild animals). Basically, it must be stated that wildlife protection areas are the last retreat and wintering areas of our free-living wild animals. Wildlife protection areas are provided by law for capercaillie, black grouse and red deer. However, many other animal species also benefit from them. Wildlife protection areas bring the basic requirements of wild animals for rest, grazing and cover down to the lowest common denominator. In the vicinity of approved feeding areas and the associated staging areas, as well as in the area of breeding and nesting sites of capercaillie and black grouse, a temporal and local closure can be imposed. This is only approved if it appears to be indispensable as a result of human disturbance. The average size of a wildlife protection area is 50 to 80 ha.


Entry behavior


Entering the area is forbidden

from 01. November until 31. May