Bayerische Hohe Rhön, Fauna-Flora-Habitat Area

Bayerische Hohe Rhön
Fauna-Flora-Habitat Area

Germany Bayern, Hessen, Thüringen Bad Kissingen, Rhön-Grabfeld, Fulda, Schmalkalden-Meiningen

km2: 192.8221

DtP 0bca3dc2-ebbc-45dc-8839-e046fc5ef408
OID ffh_83171

WIKIDATA Q61018077
WDPA 555537678
outdooractive 9022946

Biosphärenreservat Rhön

A Special Protection Area, or SPA, is established for the birds as a requirement of the Birds Directive. Combined with the Habitat Directive, they make up the Natura 2000 network.