Nagelfluhkette, Landscape Protection Area

Landscape Protection Area

Germany Bayern Oberallgäu

km2: 56.8470


DtP 5943348b-dbf3-4683-ab1d-1a00b0919bf7
OID by_LSG-00468.01

WIKIDATA Q59608927
WDPA 395976
outdooractive 66424289

Naturpark Nagelfluhkette e.V.

The Nagelfluhkette Nature Park is a large protected area between the Allgäu and the Bregenzerwald. One of the goals of the nature park is to preserve the valuable cultural and natural landscapes around the Nagelfluh chain in the long term. The scenic uniqueness of the area, the variety of habitats and the great wealth of species should be secured for future generations. Many people in the 15 nature park communities are committed to this: the employees of the nature park, rangers, nature park guides, the mayors of the member communities, the transnational advisory board and the local people. They are all part of the transnational nature park network. Together they contribute to the sustainable development of the region - and thus to permanently securing the livelihood of people, animals and plants in the Allgäu and Bregenzerwald.


Laws and Regulations

Verordnung Wildschutzgebiet Ostertal Nagelfluhkette
Verordnung Wildschutzgebiet Schatthalde Nagelfluhkette
Verordnung Wildschutzgebiet Wildengrundalpe Nagelfluhkette
Verordnung Wildschutzgebiet Wiesach Nagelfluhkette
Landschaftsschutzgebietsverordnung Naturpark Nagelfluhkette Jan. 31, 2023

Rules and Regulations for specific Outdoor Activities

Note: This area is located in other protected areas. The rules replace or extend the rules of Kojen-Moos, Nature Reserve | Naturpark Nagelfluhkette, Nature Park .

Cycling - Cycling activities

dtp_unpavedagriculturalandforestryroads_allowed_regular dtp_minimum_path_width_regular | 2.0m

Cycling - Cycling activities is allowed in/on Unpaved agricultural and forestry roads with minimum path with of 2.0m .

Motor vehicle - Motorized activities


Motor vehicle - Motorized activities is allowed in/on Officially public dedicated streets/places .

Camping - Stay activities


Camping - Stay activities is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .

Camping (vehicle/trailer) - Stay activities


Camping (vehicle/trailer) - Stay activities is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .