Miseljski konec/Vrh Hribaric, Quiet Zone

Miseljski konec/Vrh Hribaric
Quiet Zone

within First Protected Zone, Protection Zone

Slovenia Gorenjska Bohinj

km2: 12.7769

DtP adc790c6-826c-456c-97cd-bce84e14b37d


Triglav Narodni Park

Mirna območja so manjša območja znotraj Triglavskega narodnega parka, ki so ključnega pomena za ohranjanje rastlinskih in živalskih vrst ter habitatov.

Namenjena so varstvu divjega petelina, belke, ruševca, gamsa, planinskega orla in visokih barij. Obiskovanje in druge dejavnosti so na teh območjih časovno in prostorsko prilagojene.

Laws and Regulations

Regulation on the Triglav National Park Management Plan for the period 2016–2025 Republika Slovenija May 26, 2016

Rules and Regulations for specific Outdoor Activities

Note: This area is located in other protected areas. The rules replace or extend the rules of Triglav National Park, National Park | First Protected Zone, Protection Zone .

Entering the area


Entering the area is allowed in/on Designated paths/places .

Entering off the beaten path


Entering off the beaten path is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .