Ruhegebiet Eppzirl, Quiet Zone

Ruhegebiet Eppzirl
Quiet Zone

within Naturpark Karwendel, Nature Park

Austria Tirol Innsbruck Land

km2: 32.7591


DtP af23b152-c782-40e6-9465-67769424ca22

WIKIDATA Q108144920
WDPA 32538
outdooractive 66424324

Naturpark Karwendel

The Eppzirl Rest Area is located on the western edge of the Karwendel Mountains, east of Scharnitz and Seefeld. Its landscape is mainly determined by the wild rugged mountains around the Eppzirler Alm (Freiungsspitzen), the forested foothills in the middle section and the deeply cut gorges of the main streams. The Karwendel, Isar and Gleirsch gorges, the Eppzirleralm, the Erlturm and the Erlspitze are a selection of particularly scenic spots.


Laws and Regulations

Verordnung Ruhegebiet Eppzirl
Tiroler Campinggesetz
Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz
Tiroler Forstgesetz
Verordnung Naturschutzgebiet Naturschutzgebiet Karwendel

Rules and Regulations for specific Outdoor Activities

Note: This area is located in other protected areas. The rules replace or extend the rules of Naturschutzgebiet Karwendel, Nature Reserve | Karwendel Und Karwendelvorgebirge, Nature Reserve | Naturpark Karwendel, Nature Park | Landschaftsschutzgebiet Martinswand-Solstein-Reitherspitze, Landscape Protection Area | Karwendel, Fauna-Flora-Habitat Area | Karwendel mit Isar, Fauna-Flora-Habitat Area | Karwendel mit Isar, Fauna-Flora-Habitat Area | Karwendel, Bird Sanctuary .

Entering the area - Entry behavior


Entering the area - Entry behavior is allowed in/on Designated paths/places .

Entering off the beaten path - Entry behavior


Entering off the beaten path - Entry behavior is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .

Cycling - Cycling activities

dtp_designatedpathsplaces_allowed_regular dtp_calendar_regular | 01.Apr- 31.Oct

Cycling - Cycling activities is allowed in/on Designated paths/places from 01. April until 31. October .

Winter sport - Snow activities

dtp_designatedpathsplaces_allowed_regular dtp_daytime_allowed_regular | Please plan your tours for the daytime so that you avoid peaks, mountain crests and ridges before 10 AM and after 3 PM. Avoid twilight and nighttime. No off-slope ski tours at night.

Winter sport - Snow activities is allowed in/on Designated paths/places during Daytime .  Please plan your tours for the daytime so that you avoid peaks, mountain crests and ridges before 10 AM and after 3 PM. Avoid twilight and nighttime. No off-slope ski tours at night..

Motor vehicle - Motorized activities


Motor vehicle - Motorized activities is allowed in/on Officially public dedicated streets/places .

Watercrafts motorized - Water activities

dtp_watercraftsmotorized_allowed with official permission only_regular dtp_info_regular

Watercrafts motorized - Water activities is allowed with official permission only in/on Total area of the territory .

Camping - Stay activities


Camping - Stay activities is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .

Camping/Bivouac - Stay activities


Camping/Bivouac - Stay activities is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .

Camping (vehicle/trailer) - Stay activities


Camping (vehicle/trailer) - Stay activities is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .

Drones/model planes - Air activities

Authorization Required

Drones/model planes - Air activities is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .  Authorization Required.

Disposing of waste - General behavior


Disposing of waste - General behavior is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .

Fire - General behavior


Fire - General behavior is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .

Dogs with leash - General behavior


Dogs with leash - General behavior is allowed in/on Total area of the territory .

Collecting plants - General behavior

The prohibition concerns the plant species listed in the Habitats-Directive.

Collecting plants - General behavior is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .  The prohibition concerns the plant species listed in the Habitats-Directive..

Mushroom collecting - General behavior

The prohibition concerns the species of fungi mentioned in the Habitats-Directive

Mushroom collecting - General behavior is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .  The prohibition concerns the species of fungi mentioned in the Habitats-Directive.

Noise (tape recorders, players) - General behavior


Noise (tape recorders, players) - General behavior is forbidden in/on Total area of the territory .