Gebiet der Oberen Eider incl. Seen, Fauna-Flora-Habitat Area

Gebiet der Oberen Eider incl. Seen
Fauna-Flora-Habitat Area

Germany Schleswig-Holstein Kiel, Plön, Rendsburg-Eckernförde

km2: 25.0128

DtP c5302a7b-6f6b-4d86-8910-6cc8a908627e
OID ffh_80133

WIKIDATA Q60626703
WDPA 555517897
outdooractive 9024731

Naturpark Westensee– Obere Eider e.V.

Natura 2000 is the official term for an ecological network within the European Union, created under the Habitats Directive. It aims to protect the most seriously threated habitats and species across Europe.

Laws and Regulations

Natura 2000 in Schleswig-Holstein Oct. 2, 2006